Category Archives: News

Updated CVF recognises needs of neurodivergent and disabled candidates

The College of Policing has released an update to the Competency and Values Framework (CVF), the document describing the behaviours required for recruitment, assessment and development across the UK police service.

The CVF is typically used as a basis for designing police recruitment, promotion and selection processes. The 2024 update replaces the previous version released in 2016.

The new version of the CVF explicitly references neurodiversity and disability, and acknowledges that assessment processes should allow candidates of all abilities to demonstrate their strengths:

Graphic illustrating competencies and values in the updated CVF

The CVF should be used in ways which allow for differing abilities, including those which stem from disabilities or neurodiversity. If your organisation is using the CVF as part of an assessment, the assessment should allow for different expression of the competencies and, where appropriate, allow candidates to demonstrate strengths in different areas. Reasonable adjustments should be provided for those who need them under the Equality Act (2010).

If you have a disability under the Equality Act 2010, you can ask for reasonable adjustments to the assessment to enable you to fully demonstrate your abilities. If you have a diagnostic report or professional workplace assessment, this will be helpful to the assessment team to ensure you’re given the right adjustments.

The updated CVF also states that competencies and values under assessment should be clearly signposted. This eliminates a potential source of ambiguity which has been found to adversely impact on ND candidates.

Click on the links to go to the College of Policing CVF webpage and to download a PDF copy of the 2024 CVF Guidance. (The wording above can be found on pages 10-11.) ∎

National police dyslexia network launches

New Association aims to support dyslexic staff and promote the benefits of ‘Dyslexic Thinking’ in policing

Officials and guests of the newly-formed Police National Dyslexia Association at the Palace of Westminster

Tuesday 20th February 2024 saw the launch of a new UK-wide network dedicated to supporting dyslexic police officers and staff.

The Police National Dyslexia Association (PNDA) was officially launched in a ceremony at the Palace of Westminster, hosted by Lord Addington, President of the British Dyslexia Association. Guest speakers included Chief Constable Jason Hogg of Thames Valley Police, and Acting Chief Constable Jim Colwell of Devon & Cornwall Police.

The launch event featured inspiring accounts of lived experience from dyslexic police officers and staff, and concluded with a presentation at New Scotland Yard by Kate Griggs, CEO and founder of dyslexia advocacy charity Made By Dyslexia.

Dyslexia is a neurodivergent condition that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. The condition is also associated with strong creative and problem-solving skills, and can be found throughout business, science and the arts – famous dyslexic people from past and present include Sir Richard Branson, Tom Cruise and Albert Einstein. The BDA estimates that 10% of the UK population are dyslexic to some degree.

Acting Chief Constable Jim Colwell with PNDA Chair and founder Sergeant Maria Canning

The PDNA offers free membership to all police officers, staff and volunteers, and will work alongside the National Police Autism Association, ADHD Alliance and Disabled Police Association to promote neurodiversity in policing. For more information, visit the website at

A short film produced by Made By Dyslexia to mark the launch of the charity’s #DyslexicThinking campaign

Hertfordshire Constabulary launches Neurodiversity Champions

Volunteer scheme helps to provide support to neurodivergent officers and staff

Strategic lead for disability Detective Chief Inspector Craig Flint, and Force Neurodiversity Lead Nicola Ponikiewski

Hertfordshire Constabulary have recruited almost 30 Neurodiversity Champions to help support neurodivergent colleagues across the Force. Volunteers have been briefed for the role provided by the Constabulary’s neurodiversity team.

While these champions cannot diagnose conditions such as autism and ADHD, they can provide a listening ear and signpost to resources and further support. Many of them have lived experience and are available to speak to anyone who needs advice or support about neurodiversity.

Strategic lead for disability, Detective Chief Inspector Craig Flint said: “There has been a lot of work taking place to get to this point and I would like to thank those who have been busy behind the scenes to bring this to fruition.

“I would also like to thank those from across the organisation who have volunteered for the role of Neurodiversity Champion, which is a responsibility on top of their day jobs in policing.

“This is a big step forward in our work to support those with neurodivergent conditions within our workforce and also those with neurodivergent family members.

“The work of champions may include helping a supervisor to support a team member with a neurodivergent condition, talking a colleague through the process of obtaining a dyslexia assessment and/or workplace adjustments as well as giving guidance to those who may have family members with neurodivergent conditions.”

Hertfordshire Constabulary, along with local policing partners Bedfordshire Police and Cambridgeshire Constabulary, have achieved Disability Confident Leader status – the highest level of accreditation that can be achieved under the Disability Confident scheme.

Click on the link for a news article on the Hertfordshire Constabulary website. ∎