
Joining the NPAA is free and available to all UK police officers and civilian staff, including special constables and police volunteers. We also welcome associate (non-police) members including retired officers – click on the link for more information.

As a member, you will be granted access to the Police Neurodiversity Forum, a private web-based message board hosted by the NPAA. The forum is our online support platform: members can discuss workplace, personal and family issues, share experiences and offer advice in a safe and confidential environment. We welcome discussions around neurodiversity and anything else! The forum is searchable and also serves as a knowledge base, with information on the conditions we support and links to external resources.

How do I become a member and access the forum?

To join us and obtain a user ID, fill in the form below. Click here to read our Privacy Policy. (Retired officers – click here)

You will be emailed a registration link once your details have been confirmed.

    Your name

    Your work email address

    Your Force/organisation

    Your role

    Select your registration type:
    Professional: I will use the forum to represent my role - my name and Force/organisation will be displayed
    Personal: I will use the forum in a personal capacity - I can register with an alias username to keep my details private (UK emergency services & law enforcement agencies only)
    Email list only: I do not wish to join the forum - I prefer to receive regular email updates
    ProfessionalPersonalEmail list only

    Local information sharing option:
    I would like to receive updates from my local NPAA Coordinator team/representative

    Problems sending the form? Our website works best with Google Chrome – if you’re accessing this page from a networked computer, try using your personal phone or other stand-alone device